Guide for Destiny 2 - New Light (2024)

Character Creation

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At the start, you are given the choice of class you want to play: Hunter, Titan, or Warlock. You are then given the choice of what your character looks like and their race, along with choosing between a male or female, exo, human or awoken, as well as various different looks. Choose what appeals to you, as the choice doesn't matter beyond some NPC reactions to your presence.

Once you complete your character, you will earn the following regardless of class:

  • Long and Winding Road

    Reach level 20.

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Intro Missions

After character creation the quest A New Guardian Rises starts. Veteran players can pick this up at the kiosk to the left of the postmaster if they wish to experience it.

Follow the on-screen marker into the wall and follow the tunnel, as you fight your way through the tunnel you will be introduced to kinetic weapons, melee attacks, grenades, energy weapons and finally supers.

When you exit the tunnel, you will be in your first shared space, other players of all levels and story progression can be found here, you will be tasked with killing a Fallen Walker and a set amount of Fallen, assists from the others in the space count towards your total. The weak spot on the Walker is its leg armour, once destroyed it will expose its glowing orange brain, shoot this while you can, then repeat. When you kill the walker, a chest will spawn. Once enough has been killed you will be prompted to continue.

After following the marker, you will be introduced to Shaw Han, who will guide you through learning more of the basics of playing Destiny2.

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You will now be introduced to an often-used mechanic, hacking and defending, as the hack progresses you will fight off waves of Fallen. Once the hack is completed you will be given a new waypoint, you can either run across the large area on foot or use the Fallen Pikes you will stumble across. Either way you will reach a point you cannot get past and be told to backtrack and kill certain Fallen. The first is just a simple kill, the second and third you will need to kill servitors and pick up and then dunk the orbs they drop. Once you have all three you can proceed further.
You will now be introduced to the hive followed by the no respawn introduction, and the lore reason why you cannot respawn. Once you have completed this quest you will unlock fast travel and be shown how to use it.

You will now be introduced to bounties and lost sectors, most bounties, unless they name a specific location can be completed in lost sectors. During this quest you will be introduced to heavy weapons. Once completed return to Shaw again.

The next quest is called Cold Boot, and starts in the Mothyards, follow the marker on screen, hack, survive, you will be prompted to annoy the hive, you do this by standing in the prompts circle, after enough time the crystals in the air will be unshielded once this happens destroy them. Kill more hive until prompted to continue onwards to the dish, have ghost start the dish activation, survive the waves of hive until the activation completes.

After this quest fast travel back and open the chest. Use the sparrow from the chest to get to the next quest. This quest will task you with opening a total of 4 chests, each with fallen or hive or both guarding them, once you have done this you will be tasked to collect orbs back in the Mothyards, you will have to jump through each of the 5 orbs. Follow the quest marker to find a hive boss you need to kill and once the boss has been killed revive Shaw and then pick up the super conductor after the dialogue.

After the quest speak to Shaw at the fast travel point, he will provide a ship for you, this will allow you to travel to other planets, for the moment you can only access the Tower. Go to the Tower in your new ship, the Tower you arrive in is an instanced Tower and you will be asked to visit the various NPCs that you will be visiting the most, except Amanda. Follow the prompts, when you reach Shaxx you will unlock Triumphs and will be able to claim any you have already unlocked. Rahool will unlock Seasons and allow you claim any rewards you have waiting for you. Next speak to Zavala who will task you with completing a Strike, which is a three-player matchmade activity. Strikes are typically fairly straightforward: kill enemies, kill mini-bosses, open gates, kill more stuff, kill the boss. While there are occasional tasks to complete to progress, they should always be on-screen to guide you. Also, your teammates are typically random players who may just run through them, so learn as you go, as you will be seeing these a lot. This Strike will complete the story from the Cosmodrome.

When you return to the Tower speak to Shaxx to get the quest Light Reforged and pick up every bounty you can afford from him.

The steps to compete Light Reforged are as follows:
• Complete 2 Control matches and turn in 1 bounty. (Do not turn in any other bounties you’ve completed.)
• Complete 2 Rumble matches and earn 50 more Valor points. You earn Valor for playing Crucible, wins give more, any game mode, except private matches gives Valor. Some bounties also give Valor, but I would advise not using bounties for this step.
• Complete 2 Elimination matches and earn 350 more Valor.
• Complete 2 Glory matches and earn 700 more Valor. I would use the bounties for this step. The bounties that give Valor refresh every day at 9 am PT/12 pm EST/5 pm GMT.
Please note for the match completions you do not have to win, just complete the match. Once you've spoken to Shaxx you will earn:

  • Show Me What You Got

    Complete the "Light Reforged" quest.

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Also while in the tower visit Ikora, she will give you two quests, these are used to unlock the other two subclasses for your character, they will be two of Arc, Void or Solar, which varies depending on your class. Any kills count towards progress but kills of the matching damage type from your weapons speed up your progress. Completing both will unlock your character achievement. If it does not pop, simply quit the game and log in again.

For Titan:

  • Zavala's Lieutenant

    Acquire each Titan subclass.

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For Warlock:

  • Ikora's Protégé

    Acquire each Warlock subclass.

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For Hunter:

  • Cayde's Pathfinder

    Acquire each Hunter subclass.

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From here, you start the leveling grind, but you will also be introduced to the various activities available in the game from the characters you met when you first came to the Tower. The idea behind Destiny is to get better gear to raise your power level, which in turn gives you the access and ability to survive more content. The game as it currently stands will quickly get you to softcap, which increase every season/expansion, with every drop most likely being an upgrade, then after that, it will slow down. Basically, whenever you receive a weapon and armor drop, you should immediately go to your character screen (Guide for Destiny 2 - New Light (29)), and equip the items that give you the highest power level. Therefore, subsequent weapon and armor drops are likely to have higher power levels than what you currently have equipped, thus quickly leveling your character as you grind towards the softcap, which increase every season/expansion.

I would advise picking up every bounty you can from every vendor you come across in the Tower. Some bounties are short and easy, while others may be long and involve multiple steps. Most bounties can be turned in from the bounties tab within the "Quest" section on the Directory (hold Guide for Destiny 2 - New Light (30)).

Bounties fall into various types, such as Weekly, Daily, Additional, and Quests. Weekly bounties are once per week and provide high rewards for the longer time invested in completing them. Daily bounties are available each day and change at reset. Additional bounties are typically harder than Daily but can be done as much as you can afford. Although there is a limit to how many Additional bounties you can get at a time, more can be acquired once you complete them. Weekly and Daily bounties are static tasks, and they are the same for everyone on that week/day, Additional bounties are random from their set pool. Quests are multi-step tasks that provide rewards such as shaders, emblems, armor, or weapons. The weapons from these quests are typically unique/pinnacle or, in some cases, exotic.

Zavala will be your first real stop. He will task you with completing a Strike, which is a three-player matchmade activity. Strikes are typically fairly straightforward: kill enemies, kill mini-bosses, open gates, kill more stuff, kill the boss. While there are occasional tasks to complete to progress, they should always be on-screen to guide you. Also, your teammates are typically random players who may just run through them, so learn as you go, as you will be seeing these a lot.

Once you complete the strike, return to Zavala, who will ask you to complete a bounty in a strike and will give you a selection. I would take all of the bounties and complete as many as you can. Once complete, you will be asked to speak to the next tower vendor, Shaxx, but he will not speak to you until you reach power 770. So, if you aren't quite power level 770 yet, continue doing vanguard strikes.

Once you can speak to Shaxx, he will ask you to complete a Crucible match. These are the PvP elements of Destiny and consist of several different game types. Once you've completed any crucible match (win or lose), go back to Shaxx who will ask you to complete a bounty. Again, only one bounty completion is needed, but I'd recommend you take them all and try and complete them all. Once you hand in your completed bounty, you will earn:

  • Show Me What You Got

    Complete the "Light Reforged" quest.

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Gambit. Gambit is a PvEvP activity, where two teams of 4 battle Fallen, Cabal, Scorn, or Vex. Killing these enemies drop motes (glowing white prisms), which you pick up by running over them. These motes need to be deposited in the bank, which is a central hub. Banking 5, 10, or 15 motes at a time will send a taken blocker through to your opponent's side, which will prevent them from banking any of their motes until they kill it. 5 motes will send over a small blocker (easier to defeat), 10 motes will send over a medium blocker, and 15 motes will send over a large blocker (harder to defeat).

If you die, you'll drop all the motes you're carrying, and there is no way for anyone to recover them. At every 25, 50 and 75 total motes banked, a portal will open near the bank, which allows someone on your team to invade the other side to kill the members of the other team. During this invasion, the invader can see the other players' names, and the PvE enemies will ignore you. Be aware that while the PvE side of Gambit is not Power dependent, the PvP side is (the higher your level, the more damage you do).

Once a team deposits 100 motes, a boss will spawn in. Defeating the boss results in that team wins. During the boss fight, you can still use the portal to invade the other team, and they can still invade you as well. While a boss is spawned in for a team, a players' death will result in the boss regaining health.

If you win a game and own the Forsaken DLC, you will earn:

  • High-Stakes Play

    Win a Gambit match.

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Nightfall. These are harder versions of Strikes and have modifiers affecting the difficulty and at higher difficulties have Champions. You can adjust the difficulty of Nightfalls, with the higher difficulties including more modifiers, but better loot upon completion. The first two are matchmade, but initially, you'll want to just do the adept version. You are on the clock in a Nightfall, so the quicker you do the Nightfall, the better your score. Take too long though, and your score starts to decrease. Champions come in three varieties, Barrier, Overload and Unstoppable. Each is a yellow bar enemy that can regenerate it's health if not stunned by using a weapon that has a mod to stun it. Each Season the Seasonal Artifact provides the mods for these, though the weapons change each season, the mods are put into your arms and will affect any weapon of the same class, including exotics.

Upon completion of the Nightfall you will earn:

  • Heart of Darkness

    Complete a Nightfall strike.

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If you own Forsaken and complete either Warden of Nothing, The Hollowed Lair, or The Corrupted, you will earn:

  • Darkness Falls

    Defeat a Forsaken Nightfall Boss.

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Once you've completed the introduction quests Challenges are unlocked and your Tower map should look something like this:

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The icons that are highlighted/flashing are vendors that need your attention.

The blue icon is to show a vendor has a Challenge for you. If you hover over their icon they will tell you what is required. Typically Shaxx, Zavala, Banshee, and Drifter ask that you complete 8 bounties.

The blue icon with a yellow halo means a completed Challenge, and you will need to talk to the vendor to get your reward(s).

The Challenge icon is different on the Destination Directory as below.

The yellow icon beside the planets and activities is a Challenge. For matchmade activities, such as Strikes and Crucible, you will get the Challenge rewards upon completing the Challenge. Completing 30 of these Challenges will earn you:

  • Challenge Accepted

    Complete 30 challenges.

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Public Events are activities that anyone nearby can assist in even if they are not in your fireteam. There is a 5-minute timer before a public event starts, and this time is visible on the plant map and when you are in the same zone after clicking on the flag.

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Clicking the flag, or Rallying as it is called in the game, will refill your ammo and ability/super energy.

Public Events differ from planet to planet, as some are unique to a planet Gate Lord on Mercury, Cryropod on Tangled Shore, but each one has a Heroic version. Heroic versions of public events will spawn in more difficult bosses and provide better loot. While regular public events still significantly contribute towards completing a flashpoint, completing their Heroic versions will contribute even more progress towards the flashpoint. Upon completing the Heroic version of a public event, you will earn:

  • The People's Hero

    Complete a Heroic public event.

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Here is a brief list of some of the Public Events, where you can find them, and how to turn them Heroic.

  • Cabal Excavation - Io, Nessus, EDZ - When standing near the drill to capture it, a ship will spawn at about 38 to 40. This ship will do a slow loop down to fire on you, then fly round in a full loop to fire again. Destroying this ship turns the event Heroic.
  • Crux Convergence - Europe - Kill all the drones circling the dark vessels above the capture points, after the first the drones will move around the vessel, once all drones are destroyed the event will turn heroic.
  • Cryo-Pod Escape - Tangled Shore - When the area around the pod freezes, smoke will come out of vents on the side of the pod. Shoot these vents, then take the ball and throw it at the boss. Hit the boss with three of these balls and the boss will freeze solid, turning the event heroic.
  • Ether Harvest - Tangled Shore, Dreaming City - When a mini-boss is killed, white wisps will head towards the central hub. You must shoot all of these and prevent all of them from reaching the hub. You must do this 3 times, one for each mini-boss.
  • Ether Resupply - EDZ, Nessus - First, one small servitor will spawn shielding the big one. Destroy this and the three that spawn at once to turn this event heroic.
  • Fallen Walker - Titan, EDZ(rarely) - Shooting the Fallen Walker's leg will cause it to fall and expose its 'brain' and drop 3 orbs. Dunk these orbs on either side of the weapons cache. You will need to dunk a total of 6 orbs freeing all the caches to turn this event Heroic.
  • Glimmer Extraction - EDZ, Nessus, Moon - The crews for each site spawn in two waves. When one is killed from the first wave, a new piece of equipment will spawn in. Destroy this, then repeat for each of the three drill sites, and the event will turn Heroic (don't stand on the glimmer until the explosions stop).
  • Injection Rig - EDZ, Mars - After killing each mini-boss, vents will open up burning everything inside the shield at the top of the cabal thing. Destroy one of these, and new vents will open halfway down. Destroy these and the vent at the bottom before the last boss appears to turn the event Heroic.
  • Rift Generator - Dreaming City - In each wave, there will be a large Taken Blight from where the enemies spawn from. Destroy all of these to turn the event Heroic.
  • Spire Integration - Nessus, Io - From the central hub, you will see three white vex lines going out in various directions. Stand at the end of each line, and a plate will spawn. Wait on the plate until it completes. Do this for all three plates to turn the event Heroic.
  • Taken Blight - EDZ, Dreaming City, Io - You will need to destroy the taken blight in the sky to turn the event Heroic. You can only damage it for a few seconds after standing in the ground blights. This is easiest if you stand on the edge of the ground blight and sidestep in and out to get the buff and shoot.
  • Vex Crossroads - Mercury - After killing the Vex in the tower and dunking the orb, look away from the main area. and a crystal will be floating. Destroy this crystal and a platform will appear. Jump on this platform and destroy the new crystals. Keep doing this until you reach a vex platform on top of the tower. Stand on this platform and the event will turn heroic. This has to be done before the second tower's orb is dunked.
  • Warsat Down - Mars, Moon - At certain points, wizards will spawn and cover the warsat in poison. Kill the wizards and a shrieker will open, at which point you can kill the shrieker. Repeat this three times to turn the event Heroic.
  • Witches Ritual - Mars, Moon, Titan - Stand on the platform to kill the wizards. Once the wizards are dead, crystals at the top either side of the portal will need to be destroyed. You must be on the platform for the shield to drop. Once both crystals are destroyed, the event turns Heroic.

Completing 5 Heroic Public Events will earn you:

  • In A Flash

    Complete 5 Heroic Public Events.

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By this point, you should be well on your way to earning:

  • The Life Exotic

    Collect 15 Red War exotic weapons or armor.

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Any Exotics can earn you progress towards this, and progress is earned across all characters (hence why you should have one of each class as there are class-specific Exotics). Exotics have a small chance to drop from the completion of any activity, with harder difficulties have higher chances. Completing Challenges also can grant Exotics, and they can also drop randomly in the World.

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The sound of an Exotic dropping is unique and you will come to recognize it. If you miss picking it up, you can retrieve it for free at any time from the Postmaster in the Tower (like all missed drops). There is also typically one Exotic available per raid, though it's not a guaranteed drop.

Exotics are also available from the paid Season Pass at various ranks and there is typically one Weapon available from the Season Pass (paid season passes get it rank 1, free season passes get it later).

There are four other sources of Exotics. The first is quests. There are various quests that provide Exotic weapons, and if you followed my earlier advice to pick up all bounties, there should be a couple of exotic quests in your inventory. The following is a list of all current Exotic Weapons earned from quests:

  • Deathbringer
  • Divinity
  • Malfeasance
  • Riskrunner
  • The Chaperone
  • Wish-Ender
  • Xenophage

The second source was introduced in Beyond Light, in the tower between the Vault kiosks is the Exotic Kiosk, from here you can buy exotics from past seasons and expansions. The cost of them vary depending of if they were exotics tied to raids or not, but is usually at least 100,000 glimmer and an exotic cypher. You get an exotic cypher from the campaign, as part of the season pass and Xur sells a quest for one, which can be completed once per week per account.

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The third source is from completing a Legend Master Lost Sector solo, doing so gives the chance at an exotic piece of armour. I would advise against this if you are just going for this achievement, as this is considered part of the endgame content and make use of Champions, which I will cover in the next section.

The last source of Exotics is from Xur. Each weekend, he'll be in a different location Nessus, Earth, or the Tower. He will sell one Weapon, one Exotic piece from each class, and a Fated Engram. The Fated Engram will give you one Exotic that you don't already own (if you own them all, then he will give you a random Exotic armour piece).

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Visiting Xur will also unlock:

  • Lest Ye Be Judged

    Encounter an Agent of the Nine somewhere in the system.

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Master and Grandmaster Nightfalls

Both Master and Grandmaster Nightfalls are not matchmade activities, each require a certain power level and will need to be completed as a team of three. As with normal Nightfalls they are on a weekly rotation of 6, though Grandmaster is not available for the first few weeks of a season to allow players to gear and level enough to survive the content. Also towards the end of the Season it is possible to select which of the 6 Grandmaster Nightfalls you want to attempt. These are tests of skill and knowledge of your class and the game mechanics, you will need to know how to play your class and use the armour mods fully. While a good team can, depending on the Nightfall, play what they wish to, for survivability I would recommend bring a mid tree Solar Warlock and top tree Void Titan, the third class will depend on if add clear or single target is needed. Overall I would advise you to take you time, especially on Grandmaster, although there is a timer you can take as long as you need to to complete the Nightfall, after 35 minutes on Master and 45 minutes on Grandmaster you are allowed to continue, you just will be unable to revive yourself or others. Also in Grandmaster you can't self revive you have to revived by a teammate, a uses a revive token, you earn tokens killing Champions, but after 45 minutes these tokens are wiped.

Aside from the increased damage and health pools of enemies the biggest challenge in these two Nightfall types are the Champions. There are three types of champions, Overload, Unstoppable and Barrier.

Barriers will create a shield when they are damage and heal themselves unless you break their shield with anti-barrier weapons, this stuns them for a moment.

Unstoppable will charge at you unless you stun them with an unstoppable weapon.

Overloads, will charge at you and can heal themselves unless they are stunned by an overload weapon.

Aside from some Exotic weapons which have an intrinsic anti-Champion element you will need to use arm mods from the Seasonal Artifact to get the required buff. Each season the weapons typically change to what grants which mod, but typically most of the weapon mods are in the first column as below.

Anti-barrier is the Triangle symbol.

Anti-unstoppable is the Square symbol.

Anti-overload is the Circle symbol.

When the arm mod is equipped it will give the corresponding weapon type the buff, so it will work with any exotic weapons you may have equipped of the corresponding type.

Please be aware that each strike has different additional buffs and de-buffs in effect for both Master and Grandmaster.

Below is an example of Please be aware that each strike has different Master.

Below is an example of Grandmaster.

Completing Master will earn you:

  • Belly Of The Beast

    Complete a Nightfall strike on Master difficulty.

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Completing Grandmaster will earn you:

  • The Prestige

    Complete a Nightfall strike on Grandmaster difficulty.

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6. Forsaken4. Weapons

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Guide for Destiny 2 - New Light (2024)
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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.