everything you say ends up as evidence - xpatxperience (2024)

Chapter Text

January 1, 2008

//we used to have four arms, four legs, and two faces. maybe that's why i feel like a monster without you. and see your face when i look in the mirror. we split down the middle and i didn’t get the heart. or at least not mine. theres something in my chest but it feels too heavy. my own thoughts shouldn’t be this heavy. it doesn’t add up. it’s not that i’d die for you it’s that i already have//


Oops! Correction on Pete Wentz & His Dog

In a previous post, we incorrectly called Pete Wentz‘s dog, Einstein. The correct name for his really cute bulldog puppy is HEMINGWAY. We apologize for the error.

On a side note, check out his blog! Lots of cute pics of Pete and Hem, as well as the really touching tale of how Pete got Hem to help with his anxiety. The Fall Out Boy star talks about how his furry friend made all the difference when recovering from injuries he sustained last fall.

Check out our article on the science of how animals help us regulate emotions below!
This entry was posted in Pete Wentz on January 12th, 2008


February 1, 2008

//today i dropped (got) you off, by which i mean my heart never left my throat. today i left you at the gate, already screaming a heart song as i drove away. i had to stop two blocks away, i want to breathe cold air for the rest of my life. i got kicked out of the parking lot, after all. which is to say, the cycle just keeps spinning. waiting for the wailing. the screaming. the noticing. the sun to claim the snow and then the end. i hate secret shows. i hate coded messages. i hate the way you have me figured out so much better than i have myself figured out.

the truth is youre so f*cking brave and i am so f*cking cliche.//


February 24th, 2008 at 11:57pm
Kevin Killer (Awake-n-Unafraid): Just wanted to post this photo I got with Mikey at LAX. I know so many people have been posting pictures with him in LAX, i don’t want to clog the thread, but AHHHHH ITS MIKEY. HE WAS SO NICE AND COMLIMENTED MY FALL OUT BOY SHIRT. LET ME MAKE OUT WITH YOUR FACE PLEASE


March 1, 2008

//i'm living proof that there such thing as too much of a good thing
the kiss of fame kills
"I've given up on all that stuff" to get you back in bed
how about the way you steal all these words from my teeth and fingers and call them yours
i want the poem to crawl out of my mouth,
maggot. the eating thing and devastation.
the fingers, waiting.

i owe you my words. i owe you the breath
from my lungs //


What's one of the hardest parts about being on tour?

“I think Frank would say finding something to eat and Ray would probably complain about how he can’t get any peace and quiet on a bus with four other dudes.” Gerard takes a thoughtful pause here. “I think for me it’s just seeing how it affects the people you love. It’s hard to watch the people you love be sad, you know? That hurts in a new way.”

“The distance for sure.” Mikey, who’s been his normal quiet self, chimes in, “The distance makes everything hurt more.”


April 1, 2008

//the hang ups when f*cking
(yourself during a phone call)

a dial tone turns me on

i hope god hangs up; i keep calling him with how many times i’ve said his name
or maybe yours is holy now but holy / hell is an overdone metaphor
somewhere between the hell that is the souls of my feet
and the heaven that is the arch of my mind
is the purgatory of my hips

a black hole feeling, i try to fill, but nothing sticks
i want kevlar in this porcelain word
i want the record of your teeth in my neck
i want love in handcuffs
i want you rooted so deep i’ll never feel empty again
i want to wake up and be forced to remember

when people ask me where my voice went i’ll just sign your name
if i bruise myself will they still have the shape of your fingerprints
love is just a pyramid scheme
with the way you're always on top
stripped down to nothing except the chain around my neck

pavlov(ed) myself to the ring of a phone now
guess i’m just that f*cking predictable
a one note kazoo you can blow
my right hand is f*cked
i know the zipper of jeans like most truckers know the i80//


asked by sneezus christ on 2008-04-11 14:25:00
hi mikey! I know you guys recently talked about things that you love (i love stephen king too!) but i was wondering what are somethings you HATE!
answered by mikey on 2008-04-11 14:30:00
airports. the smell of hotel pillows. missed call notifications.


May 1, 2008

//ego death (an interlude)

my skin crawls off my body, as i tell the shrink that i am scared of what i may never be.
i want to say: here i am, bloody because of my own hands
she wants me to ask if will you hold them despite the mess?//


American Airlines Million Miler™ Program Welcomes You

Congratulations Michael W. It is a special honor to be recognized with Million Miler™ status, and it is our pleasure to reward such loyalty with the AAdvantage Million Miler™ program.


MTV Cribs Season 15 Episode 3: Pete Wentz, Sara Paxton, Steve-O
Sun, June 15, 2008 30 mins

Sara Paxton, stuntman Steve-O and Fall Out Boy bassist Pete Wentz show their homes.

WENTZ: This is an ‘06 Lamborghini roadster. It’s so low to the ground you feel like you’re actually running at ninety miles per hour… This car is a guaranteed make out session. You're rolling around the town with a girl…. or dude.. you know.. whoever you love…I’ve definitely made out in this car before. You can turn any airport goodbye into a chick flick by having a gross make out session in here. It helps, honestly. I’ve also gotten groceries in this thing. And got kicked out of a parking lot! And cried in it! So it's really multipurpose…

WENTZ: Let's go to the house where I pretty much have hung out 24 hours a day for the past several months. Can’t say I didn’t get my money’s worth for this one. The first spot, let me show you, is the kitchen.

WENTZ : We have this whiteboard, you know, like every good household has a classroom sized whiteboard in it. It's good for remembering things. Or if someone comes home and you're not here they can just write a message down. It’s the new away messages. Normally it's filled with dates and flights and really sexy messages but I erased them. Can’t be giving everything away to MTV. When you're waiting for something it's good to look at.

WENTZ: In the fridge we have one of my favorite drinks which is called Raro. It’s from New Zealand so it’s exotic. I got introduced to it back in 2006 and have been drinking it ever since. [points to a packet clipped to the front of the fridge] This is the first packet we got - can't drink that one.

WENTZ: In the living room there are lots of great places to sit. You know, can sit here, can sit there. Lots of sitting…. I’ve spent a lot of time in here because of.. Yeah, there has been lots of 'not moving' at the Wentz household. But now I can turn my neck, so basically I’m a god now.

[gestures to an L shaped sectional couch]

WENTZ: Sometimes I sleep out here too even, you know, makes it easier. Hemmingway will join me. He loves this couch. He's very territorial about it, which is why it's so big. You need at least two spots for him and then four spots for you and the homies. Please ignore the mess [he looks at a giant pile of laundry] I would move it but it’s hiding the wine stain so…

WENTZ: Also, if you’re ever in a furniture store and having a breakdown over like, the implications of furnishing a house, just know that your dog is going to chew everything up anyway. Save your dignity and the person who's rubbing your back on a sample mattress some time and just go with what the sales person suggests okay.

WENTZ: One thing I don’t see on Cribs is what people like to read. Guys in bands read sometimes. I’m trying to get through Stephen King right now but… that dude’s scary. I’ve been stuck reading IT for months now. I can’t look at clowns.

WENTZ: This is the hall closet. It is where I shove things when people come over that they’re not supposed to see. It’s kind of like Pandora's box, you know. I’ll let you have a little peak.

[he opens the door just a crack, there appears to be nothing but darkness]

WENTZ:.... And in this is the bathtub. [ He picks up an action figure of himself] If you ever want to play with yourself in the bath you can. It gets really fun when you invite some G.I Joe’s over. Or Barbies, if that’s your thing I guess.

WENTZ: Now we're going to go check out the backyard. We have the rest of Fall Out Boy and other special guests….


June 20, 2008


We are no longer wandering through the desert STARVED, looking for SCRAPS of pete/mikey content. In fact we have been fed so well I might throw up because these two I swear.

First of all, Pete saying he makes out with guys in his sports car. ASKDFSLK. I do not know how Mikey fits his legs into there but I absolutely know that the two of them have gotten hot and heavy in that thing, probably on the way to the airport. Probably several times. Probably I need to stop thinking about it.

Then we have just the absolutely insane traces of Mikey all over Pete’s house.

ONE: The handwriting at the bottom of the whiteboard that didn’t get wiped away is Mikey’s. As you can see from this autograph that he did back in February the curl of his g’s go up at the end and cross over in this unique way. You can see at the bottom there is the first part of a ‘goodbye’ (we think) and the g does that exact same thing.

TWO: Then we have AND TELL ME I AM CRAZY, but that is Mikey’s Anthrax shirt in the pile of laundry. (I circled it here) You can clearly make out the RAX on the side. I did some research and even talked to the manager of the local record store in my mall and that shirt isn’t in stock any more so it’s not like he just bought a new one. You can also see how faded it is from the color, being more gray then black so it’s definitely been worn A LOT. This is just a another instance in the long line of Pete and mikey sharing clothes under, forgive my pun, clandestine circ*mstances.

THREE: For the hall closet. I know it was so dark we couldn’t really see anything. But I used my school’s Adobe Photoshop program that they have and if you bring up the brightness and then max out the contrast you can turn it into something like this. I know it looks like night vision but You can see that written on top of one of the boxes is the label MWAY.


Now, you might be thinking, Pete and Mikey are good friends, of course Mikey is going to be over at his house, plus MCR just finished their tour!

EXCEPT THAT THIS WAS FILMED IN MARCH. You can tell by the date on the milk in the fridge because it reads “CONSUME BEFORE 03/07”. This was filmed WAY before MCR was finished touring. That means, WHILE MCR was touring, Mikey was coming to LA to “visit” Pete.

Using the Anthrax shirt as a point of reference, we have photographic evidence he wore the shirt on February 4th and April 24th. That means he “visited” at least twice. Once, when he left the shirt, and then another time when he came and picked it up. Do we remember how Mikey was always being spotted at LAX a bunch? So he was spotted February 12 and April 14th during breaks at LAX, and then again almost three times in May.

And I’m sure that if you were to go check the weather camera footage from LAX (they upload it daily on the local KBOI network) and watch the Arrival’s line, you could find an 06 Roadster, but I am not going to do that becuase then I would really be crazy.

Instead I will just reference that from Ray’s post about being home with Christa, we know those are the breaks that MCR had to go home specifically to “visit with their families”.

So, here’s the thing. Are these really “visits” to LA?

Mikey has it listed on his MySpace that he lives in New York along with the rest of MCR, but I checked the voter database for the upcoming 2008 presidential election and there is NO Michael Way registered to vote in New York. Because the voter registry is automatically connected to your drivers license, that means Mikey is not a resident of New York state.

And most damning of all… Do you know where Mikey went VERY FIRST THING after the tour ended in June?
Because it wasn’t New York.

They live together. I don’t care what the haters say, they live together. There’s a reason why everyone else in the episode showed us all of their bedrooms and we only saw Pete’s “master bedroom”.

Did you see how well that bed was made? Pete does not f*cking sleep there. He had THROW PILLOWS.



asked by taytay on 2007-07-12 12:05:00
Hi Pete! I missed you when you guys came to New Zealand for the IOH tour. Any plans to return for the next album?
answered by peter on 2007-07-12 12:27:00
lets say that i was going to be spending time in kiwi land sometime soon… would you have recommendations for things to do?


An Update From Pete
Hi guys,

Just wanted to let everyone know that if you don’t see me in the streets or on the dance floor its because im fighting off an evil alien race in space, or well- actually i’ve ripped my arm off and have to time travel into the future to get it sewn on, or well- actually i’m having wild sex at the end of the world, or well- actually i’m on my honeymoon, or well- actually i’ve been a robot this whole time and i just now got turned into a real boy, or well- actually maybe only we’ll ever know

xoxo petey


|david4nsync - AIM Instant Message|
mooingmary: david
david4nsync: yes i got your homework while u were gone pls stop asking
mooingmary: omg thx so much but that’s not what i was going to say
david4nsync: oh wow i didn’t know you knew how to have a normal conversation
mooingmary: do u want to hear about how i ran into mikey way on my cruise or not
david4nsync: BITCH. WAHT?
david4nsync: I’m not even going to ask if you’re f*cking w me bc we’ve already been through that before
mooingmary: I DO NOT KNOW
mooingmary: so we were in dunedin just before getting on our boat they apparently needed to do some decontamination thing to the hull?.... Idk apparently Antarctica is like, really strict about biological sh*t… anyway, im in this CRAMPED AS f*ck bookstore, like books up to the walls, books on the floor, books on the ceiling, its a maze
mooingmary: and i turn around this corner and literally RUN INTO MIKEY WAY. like straight into his back
david4nsync: you got to touch micheal romance…. I’m never speaking to u again. No wait, what did he feel like? did you get a chance to smell him? was he devine?
mooingmary: its winter here he was wearing like, six jackets.
david4nsync: shame :(
mooingmary: anyway, i immediately go ‘oh im so sorry’ (bc i ran into the guy) and he just goes ‘oh no problem’. Then from beyond the f*cking yonder, somewhere in the stacks, someone calls ‘mway where u at’ and so he smiles and walks away.
david4nsync: so…. u didn’t drop to ur knees and propose is what ur telling me
mooingmary: the guy had a ring on david i think u lost that one


posted on September 1, 2007 at 3:10pm
I want to know where you can disappear to for a month not get recognized once. I mean, it must be nice for the guy because the paparazzi are like, strangely obsessed with him ever since the punching incident. But seriously.... where was he? Antarctica lol.


MUSIC RADAR: Fall Out Boy’s Patrick Stump Explains Folie A Duex’s Release Change
10 October 2008

The band's fourth album is moved from 4 November to 16 December

"The idea obviously was to put the record out on election day," says Stump. "That’s what the ‘New Administration’ campaign was all about. We wanted to make a comment on how people tend to approach politics like sports, which is sad. You turn on the news and it’s all “who's up, who's down” not realizing that this is life-and-death stuff. This impacts people's whole lives.”

"This election is too important to mess around with.” Stump continues. “This is probably the most important election in a hundred years - certainly in my lifetime. Pete, I know especially, has a lot tied into this election. His parents actually met working for Biden back in the day. So he knows him, and how much this could mean for us, for him.”

“It could be really big. Yeah, really big for him.”

Biden, who most recently gained attention for contradicting Barack Obama by saying he was “absolutely comfortable” with same sex marriage has been in….

[Read More]


Things I am doing
1. writing music
2. cuddling my dog
3. wondering if i can jump from my roof to my pool

Things I am not doing
1. Avril Lavigne
2. Haley Williams
3. Nicole Scherzinger



NME VIDEO: Fall Out Boy - Track by Track
3,589 views Dec 16, 2008

[VIDEO ID: Pete Wentz from the shoulders up. He is wearing a black hoodie and staring directly at the camera. He talks with almost no emotion or expression on his face. He has a small scar under his left eye.]

“So this song is Baldwin Street.. And uhh, it’s really about how in life sometimes things are going to be ‘Easy Street’ and sometimes it’s going to be the steepest hill you’ve ever climbed. As for why we’re climbing it, people can read, I like to let people read into what they want with the lyrics on this one. We all have the people we’d do anything for…”


Pete Wentz @petewentz
@mikeyway i keep seeing long haired tragically beautiful dudes in detroit who aren’t u #bodysnachers

Mikey Way @mikeyway
sorry those are just my minions doing my bidding. they stole your toothbrush. have fun with no teeth

Pete Wentz @petewentz
cant stop drinking diet co*ke and im going broke #rapverse

kissin kate @folieablew
Hey @petewentz who watches hemmy while you’re touring around the world?

Pete Wentz @petewentz
sweet little dude @mikeyway gets the honor of hanging out with him

Pete Wentz @petewentz
speaking of…trying to finish pet cemetery.. more like pete cemetery for how dead its making me zzZZZ

Mikey Way @mikeyway
you take that back

Pete Wentz @petewentz
I cant im dead zzzZZZZ

Photographer manages to catch Pete Wentz with some secret fling?? Check out the picture on our website!


SPIN MAGAZINE: Fall Out Boy’s Believers Never Die Tour Might Be on it’s Deathbed.
April 1, 2009

There’s something in the air Saturday night at the Fall Out Boy hometown show, and I’m not sure if it's a good smell.

Following opening sets from bands such as Cobra Starship, a ‘f*ck you’ pop punk band if there ever was one, Fall Out Boy take the stage. However, instead of their emo-tortured-poet look, the four piece look like they have just walked off wall street, wearing various business suits.
One might expect that if you go to a concert for an artist, when the band starts playing, the crowd starts cheering. I was shocked to find that as the band started playing their hit single from their new album, Folie a Duex, “I Don’t Care '' that the audience instead started to flip off the band.


I was worried that as a thirty something year old, I was missing out on the joke, however as “I Don’t Care” rolled into the next song it seemed like this display of displeasure was not going anywhere.

Then Wentz introduced 2007’s “The Road To Hell Is Paved By Looking Back” by saying, “This is a deep cut, but we’re going to play it, because I don’t think you heard the words, so shut the f*ck up.”

Um. Okay…

After the segue into the bands lesser known discography, they finally pulled out “Dance, Dance” and “This Ain’t a Scene, It’s An Arms Race” which seem to be what the crowd came to hear. While the old hits sems to, well, hit the new tunes from Folie a Deux seem to be met with little enthusiasm if not hostility.

In the biggest surprise of the night; Stump gave an attempt to curate the evening's performance. The lead singer, who hasn’t fronted a show since Wentz took a leave of absence back in 2005, took to the microphone to speak while the bassist hung off his own microphone stand looking like he could fall into the floor at any moment. As soon as the last note of Saturday struck, Wentz, ran off the stage while Stump faced that final ringing note head on.

It seems Fall Out Boy is already on the knife's edge waiting for the cut to come.


NEW! Pete Wentz spotted outside venue taking emotional phone call. popcrz.com/thm6

Mikey Way @mikeyway
you never realize how big someplace is until you’re in it alone


Misc.> Plays/Musicals > Not Even An Ocean
By: starlightwriter

Separated for months by a tour that is taking a toll on all of them, Pete lays awake at night and thinks of Mikey. He counts every single mile that lays between the two of them, and wonders if their soulbond can feel his anguish. Soulmates Mikey Way x Pete Wentz.



5/4/2009 3:23pm

[VIDEO ID: shaky footage of the outside of Pete Wentz’s brown LA home. It is dark out. Wentz comes outside wearing sweatpants and a Batman hoodie. He is carrying a trash bag.]

VIDEOGRAPHER: [offscreen] Pete! Hey! Pete!

WENTZ: Who the f*ck are you?

[A rapid clicking on a camera is heard]

WENTZ: You need to leave right f*cking now.

VIDEOGRAPHER: We just have a couple of questions, come on! We’re already here!

WENTZ: How the f*ck do you know where I live? How did you find this address?

[unintelligible sounds from inside the house]

WENTZ: [towards house] No stay inside. f*cking, do not come out here.

VIDEOGRAPHER: Who is that? Is that your girl?


May 20, 2009 at 11:27am
panicatthecorey: I can’t believe I have to say this but DO. NOT. GO. TO. PETE’S. HOUSE.
I know several of you have stalked this poor man to his house in the past two weeks but his address was literally leaked by the PAPARAZZI, who NOTORIOUSLY hate him. This wasn’t an accident and he deserves to feel safe where he lives, which include NOT having fans show up at his HOUSE?

Do you guys not see him as a person? He has a life outside of Fall Out Boy. He doesn’t owe us his personal life.

walkingthrewhell: I heard the reason why they aren’t doing meet and greets anymore is because someone literally tried to break in…don’t know if true, but that’s seriously f*cked up.


every newlywed couple needs their first pet. check ours out.
[PHOTO ID: Mikey curled up on a couch with his phone clutched in his hands. His hair is in his face. He is glaring at the camera]

carleebee @carleykinko
hi mikey! whats your biggest craving atm?

Mikey Way @mikeyway
the taste of diet co*ke, sitting on my couch

NEW! Fall Out Boy Bassist talks about playing Russian Roulette as a teen! popcrz.com/ha7a

OMG! Pete Wentz spotted coming out of Midtown Comic in NYC. popcrz.com/a78d

Watch Fall Out Boy frontman Pete Wentz leave lunch with fellow Decaydance member Brendon Urie. popcrz.com/nma8

Every bar Pete Wentz has been to this month: which one’s the best? popcrz.com/820ac

Is Pete Wentz feuding with BMTH singer Oli Sykes? Find out now! popcrz.com/dnk9

Pete Wentz SELLS LA Home for HOW MUCH? Check it out! popcrz.com/amc9

He’s just like us! Pete Wentz coming out of his doctor’s office! popcrz.com/kla8a

Fall Out Boy frontman seen dining ALONE night before his 30th birthday. popcrz.com/mlj9x


Mikey Way @mikeyway
happy birthday to the only other sweet little dude

Pete Wentz @petewentz
its not happy birthday without you in it mway


June 11, 2009

For the past six years, when you hear you’re going to be interviewing Fall Out Boy, that really means you are going to be interviewing Pete Wentz. Bassist and frontman, Wentz has taken charge of leading Fall Out Boy to famous heights where, love them or hate them, you’ve at least heard of Fall Out Boy.

In recent years, the same can be said for Wentz himself, who can’t seem to stay out of the limelight. Their record breaking album, Infinity on High, came out right after Wentz had a nasty fight with a TMZ photographer that almost landed him in court. Since then, tabloids have been hounding the perpetual bachelor about when he’s going to settle down, who he’s dating, what music he’s making, and how he deals with the rabid fans who are either trying to rip off his clothes, or pelt him with tomatoes. Wentz has, unintentionally or not, made himself to be the messy rock star of Fall Out Boy.

That’s why when I arrived for our interview in the back of the cheekily titled “Fall Out Boy Sucks” photoshoot the band was doing, I was surprised to find myself in front of Patrick Stump.

Stump is long thought of as the quiet genius behind Pete’s flashy curtain, a moniker he sours at and almost immediately corrects, “Pete is one of the most talented people I know. That guy can juggle so many creative projects at once and would rather pass out from exhaustion then let one fall.”

“People say that he’s so selfish for making Fall Out Boy all about him but just look at [Folie À Deux] Almost none of it is about him [lyrically]. He wrote songs for us. For me and Joe and Andy, about our lives and to help us work through what we’re going through. When we speak he listens, it’s not his fault no one else seems to,” Stump says.

It’s at this point I get to see Patrick Stump transform from the singer of Fall Out Boy, to Pete Wentz’s best friend. “He wrote [What a Catch, Donnie] because of things I told him about, that I thought he would forget. That says something about Pete. The Pete Wentz you read about isn’t empathetic enough to write a record from the perspectives of his best friends. But Pete Wentz did that. Where’s that story?”

Sitting in the back of the photoshoot, photographers motion for Stump to step up and take his turn to be photographed, but Stump doesn’t want to let it go. “The thing about Pete is that people have always wanted his attention, they hound him for his time and energy. He could either brush you all off, and shut down, or he could smile. He was being nice to you all by smiling and you threw it back in his face.”

“That’s one of the things that’s really frustrating.” Stump's hands are flying now, an overt display of how agitated he is. “It’s not even something Pete has control over, the stuff that gets thrust on Pete, like the greatness or the shallowness of Pete Wentz. He’s neither, he’s just Pete.”

“He takes all the heat for the band because he’s trying to be a good friend. Some of the things I’ve seen him crucified over were my idea and he just let everyone lambast him for it. Some of the songs fans say are garbage are songs I fought for. Yet I’m the genius and he’s the mess.

People have this mentally that , ‘Oh, I hate Pete Wentz. Patrick Stump is cool or Andy is the only cool one in the band.’ That’s not really the case at all, there is no ‘cool one’ of Fall Out Boy.”

He takes what seems to be his first breath.

“We are all four of us. We all sink or swim together."


Pete Wentz @petewentz
bunks are small but only feel full with two people


Pete Wentz @petewentz
another late night. counted all the stars and still didn’t all asleep

Mikey Way @mikeyway
if i sing you to sleep, will that help


Pete Wentz @petewentz
sometimes i wish i could hold something other then my bass


Mikey Way @mikeyway
does anyone have good recommendations for a distortion pedal?

i am literally in the other room u antisocial teen


Pete Wentz @petewentz
i think ive been in more hotel beds then my own this year. Is there an award for that?


Pete Wentz @petewentz
I miss my best friend

Mikey Way @mikeyway
Your best friend misses you
[PHOTO ID: a picture of a very large and tired looking bulldog, asleep on a pile of clothes]


Pete Wentz @petewentz
saw a bird just sitting in a pond… wonder what it must be like to live the quiet life


05 August 2009

You are very active on Twitter.
Yeah [laughs] I guess.

You’re life is pretty much an open book.
[laughs louder] Oh yeah, well I guess some people would think that.

Do you ever worry about over exposure?
No. I think people think I’m an open book when in reality I’m just a guy who has cameras following me around. Which I think is ironic, you know, because if people weren’t trying to forcefully find out what I’m doing, I might be open to telling them. So now I’m like, sure you can know what kind of shoes I’m wearing on Twitter, because that’s not me. You don’t get to know the real me.


Pete Wentz @petewentz
sometimes i think i’m looking at a burnt stub of a candle and then i realize im looking in the mirror

Mikey Way @mikeyway
if all this fades away. will you still love who i am?


Mikey Way @mikeyway
been working on something

15 September 2009

Mikey Way is not the first member of famed rock band My Chemical Romance to release solo music, but he might be the most surprising. Way, who normally relegates himself to standing still next to Frank Iero during live performances, dropped a surprise EP titled “bad nostalgia” on Twitter last week.

Iero, who formed and fronted the hardcore group LeATHERMØUTH in addition to playing rhythm guitar for MCR, was an inspiration to Way, who even supposedly recorded the record at Iero's New Jersey home while he was staying there earlier this year.

A hauntingly sad record, it has just six songs on it. Released on the bassist's birthday, the concept album seems to follow the protagonist at a house party. However, much like a musical, each track follows into the next, making them almost inseparable from the ones that came before it.

At the start of the record, we are treated to Way’s developed bass skills, as well as guitar from Iero himself, but as the interlude hits halfway through, the music starts to adopt an almost liminal quality.

You hear the familiar synth pop sounds of the 80s, but they have soured now, the party gone bad, fading to stringy notes that would sound eerie if they weren’t so sad. This is in part helped by Way’s vocals which leand a hand to the haunting melody. His singing is a dynamic contrast to his brothers. Where Gerard hits, Mikey holds, his soft spoken vocals seemingly just another member of the orchestra, no more or less important.

The cover art features a wide angle shot of Way sitting alone in a barren living room, his long hair obscuring his face. There is evidence that people were here once, stains in the carpet, holes in the wall, but nothing remains except for him. The record as a whole creates a feeling of returning to your childhood home and finding that your bedroom is no longer your own.

Way, who is not known for his verboseness, said only two things in regards to the desire to create solo music. On Twitter he tweeted: “ It was nice to write something that I looked at and was like, “that's me” and “I needed to make something otherwise I was going to drown.”

“bad nostalgia” Tracklist
track 1
it’s mourning in america
there goes the neighborhood
god in the basem*nt
after party


Pete Wentz suffers MASSIVE BREAKDOWN backstage at Madison Square Garden? popcrz.com/820ac
[PHOTO ID: Pete Wentz has his dog Hemingway in his arms, clutched to his chest. In front of him is the back of a man with long hair craddling his face with one hand. Wentz is crying.]


Fall Out Boy play Madison Square Garden - 4 October

[VIDEO ID: All four members of Fall Out Boy are onstage playing Saturday. Patrick Stump is center stage and Pete Wentz is stage left.]

STUMP: [singing] And I read about the afterlife, but I never really lived
[Wentz crosses the stage and grabs Stump’s shoulders]

STUMP: [singing] -more then an hour

WENTZ: [echo] -less than an hour

[Wentz releases Stump but does not move from his side. Stump holds up a two, hands visibly shaking]

STUMP: [singing] When I say two more weeks, my foot is in the door, yeah

[Stump continues to sing. Trohman, stage right, walks over next to Stump]

STUMP: [singing] Two more weeks, my foot is in the door [voice crack]

STUMP: [singing] Me and Pete, in the wake of Saturday

[Wentz swings his arm around Stump, his head dropping onto his shoulder.]



andy hurley 4evr@drumsdrumsdrums
patrick n pete huggin during Saturday instead of turning has me squealing but also living in fear.. and y no audience 4 pete?

andy hurley 4evr@drumsdrumsdrums
also did pete say “less then an hour?” like lol does he not know the words

punk for the soul@loudandproud
can you explain what’s going on

andy hurley 4evr@drumsdrumsdrums
pat n pete turn 2 each other and pete goes in the audience during Sat like they’ve done that since tttyg

andy hurley 4evr@drumsdrumsdrums
And the fact that they changed it after FIVE YEARS has me stressing


1 November 2009

Lead singer of Fall Out Boy, Patrick Stump announces that the band is taking a break from making music for ‘However long we need to until we can do this thing right.”

'We need a break,'" says the singer. "Pete is the kind of person who would rather work himself to death then take a break. So if you’re looking for someone to blame, blame me, okay? I am the one putting my foot down and saying that if we need to decompress. I’m making a new term for it: we’re decompressing right now. We’ve been doing this for eight years straight, where it was pre-recording, record, promo, tour, tour, pre-recording, record, tour, tour, tour, and our band was going to imminently implode.”

"We pushed too hard, working too often,” Joe Trohman, rhythm guitarist says in a follow up. “Take a look at our lives. There is no, 'This is where I live, this is my family, this is my house, here's where I get mental health assistance, I take my medication this many times a day.' We have been doing nothing but go go go, different places, different things. I can only speak for myself here but I would just like to go to my house.”

Stump adds, “This isn’t the end of Fall Out Boy. All of us love this band, we love each other. That’s why we have to do this. I want to do this for a really long time and we can’t do that if we kill ourselves now. So we’ll be back, just give us some time.”

Though Fall Out Boy will still be releasing their “Greatest Hits” album “Believers Never Die” this November.


Hum Hallelujah [Previously Unreleased]
Bang the Doldrums [Previously Unreleased]


Pete Wentz gives us Bang the Doldrums and then fall out boy goes on a break - peter i need to talk to you (after youre better ofc)


gabe supporter @fangzup
first ryan leaves panic and now fall out boy breaks up… mcr save us ur our only hope

mcr forever @coralinecuts
sorry to all fob fans…. at least i know mcr will never break up :(( #sux2sux

everything you say ends up as evidence - xpatxperience (2024)
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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.