Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment (2024)

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Course: #8949Level: Intermediate 1 Hour

3252 Reviews Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment (2)

This course enables clinicians to evaluate the evidence obtained from the Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation 3rd Edition (GFTA-3) results, including standard scores, error analyses, stimulability and intelligibility information, and emergence and mastery data. After this course, participants will be able to make appropriate placement decisions and recommendations and to explain test results in a meaningful way to parents and other stakeholders.

Course created on August 29, 2019

Articulation, Phonology, and Speech Sound Disorders

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Course Type: Video

CEUs/Hours Offered: AG Bell - LSLS/1.0 Domain 3; ASHA/0.1 Intermediate, Professional; IACET/0.1; IBCCES/1.0; Kansas LTS-S1370/1.0; SAC/1.0

Learning Outcomes

  • After this course, participants will be able to list at least three kinds of GFTA-3 data that can be used to make diagnostic decision and inform recommendations for services.
  • After this course, participants will be able to explain how comparing GFTA-3 emergence and mastery information to standard scores helps determine if a child has a speech sound disorder.
  • After this course, participants will be able to describe one example of how recommendations for services can differ when speech sound error patterns are based on data obtained from multiple pieces of evidence, such as GFTA-3 results and home or classroom participation.


0-5 Minutes Introduction
5-15 Minutes Overview of GFTA-3 administration and scoring
15-35 Minutes Interpreting test results
35-55 Minutes Explaining GFTA-3 results and recommendations to stakeholders
55-60 Minutes Summary, Q&A


3252 Reviews

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Jennifer on May 31, 2024

Answered many of the questions I have had about this test.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on May 20, 2024

Liked how she pointed out the differences between versions two and three and explained why those changes were made. Also it was good that she addressed real concerns that SLP had indicated about version three.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on May 6, 2024

nice organization of material and flow

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on May 5, 2024

Based on the title, this is not what I thought the course would be about. I did learn a couple interesting things, but this topic is very dry and not as interesting as other courses I’ve taken.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Emily on April 29, 2024

I have been giving the GFTA-3 for years and this course answered so many questions for me!

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on April 10, 2024

This course explains the differences in the GFTA-2 and GFTA-3 and why as SLPs we seem to notice a trend that children overall score lower on the newest version of this test. The presenter did a good job of explaining this and how to use the tables for emergence as well as mastery to explain a child's level of development to a parent or teacher.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on April 10, 2024

The explanation about why a student might score better on sounds in sentences vs. sounds in words was so helpful!

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Melody on April 2, 2024

Good information about all the aspects of qualifying a student for speech services and prognosis

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on April 1, 2024

Expanations for r error scores

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on March 24, 2024

Some of the explanations of specific topics were difficult to follow

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on March 17, 2024

The course had some good information but it was a bit disorganized. It seemed more like lots of numbers and percentages than about the actual test and what to do with the information to help with therapy. Some of the test questions seemed confusing based on the information given.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on February 19, 2024

Good information on the GFTA-3 and how scores and results compare to GFTA-2.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on February 16, 2024

great examples

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on February 7, 2024

This course provided a lot of clarification about the GFTA-3, and I feel more confident explaining things such as the high number of /r/ sounds used on the test and the occurrence of higher Sounds-in-Sentences scores than Sounds-in-Words.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on February 3, 2024

Examples provided

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on January 30, 2024


Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on January 24, 2024

I was happy to learn more about the GFTA-3. Thank you.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Michael on January 23, 2024

A good overview of the GFTA 3 and how it differs from it's predecessor. Good for clinicians, such as myself, who do not typically work with Speech Sound Disorders.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on January 10, 2024

Enjoyed the review of the assessment. Provided good clinical information.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on January 5, 2024

Good for many younger clinicians I suppose, but it all makes total sense, so I didn't really need a course to make me better able to understand.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on December 31, 2023

The presenter seemed disorganized

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on December 31, 2023

Refresher on use of subtests on the GFTA-3.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on December 19, 2023

Very organized and explained rationale for test changes

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Caitlin on November 26, 2023

Clarified many questions I had; made meRealize even more what a good resource the GFTA-3 is

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Gabrielle on November 10, 2023

She addressed the differences in the versions of the assessments thoroughly.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on October 16, 2023

It's difficult to not have a video to go along with the audio.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on October 10, 2023

No comment here

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on October 9, 2023

The speaker was very knowledgeable!

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on October 5, 2023

Great course

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on October 3, 2023

I appreciate the latest information regarding sound emergency vs mastery regarding /r/, and differences between old and new evaluation.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Baili on September 27, 2023

It was great to break down more in depth about the GFTA-3. Thank you!

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Kristen on September 19, 2023

This course helped to give me a more clear understandings of parts of the GFTA-3, specifically the emergence and mastery portion.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Charla on September 12, 2023

Answered a ot of questions!!

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Rebbecca on September 11, 2023

I learned a lot about the GFTA-3

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Katherine on September 7, 2023

I was looking for a more broad teaching of scoring for this assessment

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on September 5, 2023

The test questions were difficult to decipher from information received, but it did give some insights into the differences between 2 and 3 respectively.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Dawn on August 2, 2023

Helpful in understanding the Emergence and Mastery information.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Deborah on July 31, 2023

The presenter was well spoken. The material was very relevant to my work and served as an excellent refresher in this testing interpretations.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on July 25, 2023

The information provided allowed me as an SLP to utilize all the data as a component part of the assessment.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on July 21, 2023

example provided

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on July 10, 2023

Recommend previewing scoring of test with examples. Same sound and positions are presented in the GFTA3 and sound errors not targeted can be scored. very different than the GFTA2

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on June 28, 2023


Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on June 23, 2023

Good and useful information about emergence and mastery.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on June 13, 2023

I enjoyed hearing the differences between the two assessments.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on May 10, 2023

She did a nice job, but the course was not what I expected.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on March 29, 2023

Information about using emerging and mastery as part of the interpretation of scores.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on March 3, 2023

Good explanations

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Debra on February 16, 2023

This information is important for understanding the GFTA 3 test and using the results, and it is helpful to have the information presented in this course as well as in the adminstration manual.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Maureen on January 5, 2023

Though we can always read the technical manual to learn more about a specific assessment, I greatly appreciate having this succinct, hour long session to inform me about a test I am administering. I feel like I have much better knowledge of the “why” behind this assessment and that empowers me as an SLP.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on December 31, 2022

Case studies were helpful

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on November 22, 2022

This course answered questions I had about GFTA-3 Sounds in Sentences high scores.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on November 21, 2022

I thought it was a little disorganized. She was a good presenter but the info could have been organized a little better. It made it confusing at times.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on November 12, 2022

Always appreciate in-depth information on a test instrument so frequently used.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Sally on November 11, 2022

clarified a lot of questions about /r/

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on October 31, 2022

I use the GFTA-3 for evaluations almost every week!

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Tara on October 11, 2022

Good presentation

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on October 3, 2022

The presenter presented the information clearly.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Barbara on September 29, 2022

The presenter explained differences between theGFTA 2 and the GFTA 3 very well.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on September 14, 2022

Appropriate scoring and interpretation

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Justin on September 1, 2022

The presenter explained things clearly.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by CATHERINE on August 30, 2022

I'm glad the presenter explained why "r" was heavily used throughout this test and the younger ages that it starts to develop.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on August 27, 2022

Answered questions I had about the GFTA-3.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Tina on August 8, 2022

great topic as I use the GFTA-3 all the time

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on July 28, 2022

She covered the questions that often arise after testing a client with the GFTA-3 such as why SIS can be higher than SIW

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on July 28, 2022

Did not provide as much new information as I had hoped.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Nancy on July 23, 2022

I more fully understand the GFTA3 due to the excellent presentation!

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Jennifer on July 1, 2022

Good topic, explanations were not always clear

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on June 28, 2022

Very useful information about a test we use often.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Mary on June 25, 2022

This explanation of the GFTA-3 deepens my knowledge of the assessment, and will help me explain results more thoroughly to students, families and colleagues.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Krista on June 8, 2022

I really appreciated that the instructor was so involved and knowledgable of the GFTA-3 and explained the multiple resources found on the GFTA-3 other than the standard scores.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Christina on June 1, 2022

I wished there were more examples on administering and scoring of the GFTA-3. Also, some of the wording used were confusing. When using "score", presenter should consider stating "raw score" vs "standard score".

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Kathryn on May 17, 2022


Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Rachel on May 4, 2022

Understanding the standardization of with so many /r/ stimuli for younger students.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Melody on April 30, 2022

I wish she would have spent a little more time on the actual scoring of the test and touching on the KLPA-3 correlations.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on April 23, 2022

Heavily focused on /r/ productions

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Mary Christine on March 31, 2022

Too much information in a one hour presentation. I had to stop several times to digest all the info.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by heidi on March 21, 2022

The instructor did not use the same verbiage as the answers to the questions on the test. The test was confusing. Ex: question #2

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on March 20, 2022

I use this test quite often, so I'm glad they made direct comparisons between the second edition and the third edition.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Nicole on March 1, 2022

This course was very informative.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Kristen on February 9, 2022

I like when the presenter referred to the GFTA-3 manual which helped ensure my understanding.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on February 7, 2022

It was an organized way to show differences in the 2 tests

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Montine on February 5, 2022

Practical interpretation of the GFTA-3

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on February 1, 2022

A excellent explanation of /r/ on the GFTA3, which can be so hard to explain to families.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on January 30, 2022

It was important to hear about the differences in the GFTA2 and GFTA3 and to understand why things are different.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on January 27, 2022

It helped me to better understand the scores on the GFTA-3 in comparison to the GFTA-2.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Kirsie on January 17, 2022

Great information and refresher on scoring GFTA-3 with examples provided

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on January 8, 2022

Learned new information that I should have already known!

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Marsha on January 3, 2022

Just began using GFTA-3 and this course answered many of my clinical questions. Thanks for the information.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on December 30, 2021

The concept of emergence and the time needed to develop a speech sound were helpful.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on December 28, 2021

The presenter was very knowledgeable about the GFTA-3.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on December 21, 2021

Comparisons made between GFTA-2 and GFTA-3 were especially helpful

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Jennifer on December 20, 2021

I specifically sought out a course on the GFTA-3 to answer my questions clearly and this course did just that!

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Barbara on December 20, 2021

The information given by the presenter was extremely beneficial.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on December 19, 2021

Relevant info

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Anamaria on December 18, 2021

The clarity of the course.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on December 3, 2021

Good information as to why things are structured the way the are. Appreciated the information regarding emergent skills and mastery. Also appreciated the explanation for higher scores on the sounds in sentences than the words subtest

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by lynn on November 29, 2021

Great info

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Jamie on November 22, 2021

This topic is of large concern amoung public school working therapists. This explaination does not alleviate the concern of 5 year old scoring terribly on GFTA-3 bc they had to count 22 errors for /r/.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on November 18, 2021

It provided answers for many questions regarding why the scoring of GFTA 3 was different than GFTA2. I would like to see more continuing education based on administering tests and reasons behind their decisions.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment

by Member on November 8, 2021

The charts are easy to read and it explained how the test was developed.

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Presented By

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment (3)

Chien (Shannon) Wang

Chien (Shannon) Wang is a senior research director with Pearson. Her areas of expertise include linguistic theory and universal grammar, early childhood language development, and communication issues related to culturally- and linguistically-diverse populations. Working at Pearson, Ms. Wang collaborates with authors to develop speech assessments (Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation, Third Edition, and Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis, Third Edition) as well as language assessments in the Clinical Evaluation of Fundamentals (CELF) product line, Preschool Language Scale (PLS) product line, and Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Fifth Edition, and Expressive Vocabulary Test, Third Edition.


Presenter Disclosure: Financial: Shannon Wang is employed by Pearson Assessments,'s partner for this event and the publisher of the GFTA-3. Nonfinancial: No relevant relationships to disclose.

Sponsor Disclosure: This course is presented jointly with Pearson Assessments.

Content Disclosure: This course is focused on the GFTA-3, and will not discuss other articulation assessments.

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AG Bell - Listening and Spoken Language Credential

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment (4)

This course is offered for 1 hour(s) of CE Credit from the AG Bell Academy for Listening and Spoken Language. For an explanation of content areas, please view pdf listing all 9 "domains."

American Speech-Language-Hearing Assn.

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment (5)

Intermediate Level

International Association for Continuing Education and Training

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment (6)

Continued, LLC, DBA, is accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET). Continued complies with the ANSI/IACET Standard, which is recognized internationally as a standard of excellence in instructional practices. As a result of this accreditation, Continued is authorized to issue the IACET CEU. continued, LLC, is authorized by IACET to offer 0.1 CEUs for this program.

International Board of Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards

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The continued family of websites, including, is a Certified Training Partner of IBCCES. This course is offered for a maximum of 1.0 CE hours for the autism certifications issued by IBCCES.

Kansas Dept for Aging and Disability Services

Approved for 1 continuing education clock hour(s) for Kansas licensed Speech Pathologists by the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services. Long-Term Sponsorship number: LTS-S1370.

California Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Board: is approved by the California Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Board as a Continuing Professional Development Provider, approval number PDP 268. This course may meet the requirements for 1 hours of continuing education credit for SLPs as required by the California Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensers Board. The responsibility for determining whether or not this specific course counts toward an individual's requirements for license renewal is up to the individual. Please refer to the CA state board rules regarding allowable topics and self-study limits: Live webinars on do not count as self-study courses toward California professional development requirements.

Speech-Language and Audiology Canada

Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment (8)

Clinically certified members of Speech-Language and Audiology Canada (SAC) can accumulate continuing education equivalents (CEEs) for their participation with One hour of coursework equals 1 CEE. All SAC members are encouraged to participate in on-going education.

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Appropriate Interpretation and Recommendations Based on GFTA-3 Results, presented in partnership with Pearson Assessment (2024)
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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Rating: 4 / 5 (61 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.